This Is The Democratic Party
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly April 21, 2020
Below are a few videos I thought you might "enjoy" viewing. Some will make you laugh others will make you livid. Anyone who thinks the Democrats are looking out for the working people of this nation or the nation as a whole for that matter are simply deceiving themselves. Take a look!
Bumbling Biden
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly April 14, 2020
The hits just keep on rolling in. Joe Biden, the chosen one of the Democratic party, once again dazzels us with his brillance and cognitive prowness. I have put together some clips presented on Townhall Media that you simply have to watch. Truth be told, it is almost too sad to watch because this man is the Demoncratic nomanee for president. When it is all said and done I often wonder if he will even remember running. So without further ado, I present to you the Great Bumbling Biden!
Biden Bonanza: Lies, Gaffs And Fairytales
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly 2020
As hard as I tried to provide a complete and wide range of Joe Biden stying the wrong things, lying and simply telling fairytales to the public, this gaff machine simply makes it imposible. Everyday there is a boatload of new clips showing how mentally incompetent this man is. In the clip below we go back to 1987 and also some of his more recent greatest hits. Keep in mind many of the the clips I am showing come from MSM sources. The one thing that you can take away from this is that Joe Biden is a pathological lier, and has been ever since he entered the senate. HWatch and decide for yourself:
As hard as I tried to provide a complete and wide range of Joe Biden stying the wrong things, lying and simply telling fairytales to the public, this gaff machine simply makes it imposible. Everyday there is a boatload of new clips showing how mentally incompetent this man is. In the clip below we go back to 1987 and also some of his more recent greatest hits. Keep in mind many of the the clips I am showing come from MSM sources. The one thing that you can take away from this is that Joe Biden is a pathological lier, and has been ever since he entered the senate. HWatch and decide for yourself: