5 Devastating Ads From The Trump Campaign
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly August 19, 2020
The Trump campaign has released 5 brutal ads on Joe Biden, that will cause anyone not drinking the Kool-Aid to stop and take notice. Take a look!
What Kamala Wants To Do If Elected
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly August 18, 2020
If you ever wondered what Biden's Vise President choice, Senator Kamala Harris would like to do if elected we have a synopsis for you in the video below. From providing healthcare to illegal immigrants, to universal health insurance which takes away your current plan, to eliminating fracking and off shore drilling and the new green deal, she shares her thoughts and feelings. And to think, she is being heralded as a pragmatic moderate.
Kamala Harris VP Pick
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly August 12, 2020
As most of you know by now, Joe, "The Basement Dweller" Biden has picked Kamala Harris as his VP running mate. As the days and weeks go by we will try to bring you a full and fair portrait of Kamala. While the word is out that the MSM is looking to take it easy on her. we will not. Her closet is full and we will shed light on those things we feel are relevant to the election and her fitness to be Vice President or perhaps President. Many are calling her a pragmatic moderate. Simply stated, that is a lie. According to all the organizations that rate where politicians fall on the spectrum based on their votes, Kamala is left of Bernie. One such organization is VoteView and they have her more liberal that 99% of the members of congress.
With all that said here is a quick montage of clips introducing you to a few of her policy positions and a couple lies she got caught in. Enjoy!