Biden Caught Lying … Again
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly May 29, 2020
Once again Joe Biden lie to the public, but I must say he is getting really good at it. During an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden clearly states that he knew nothing about the investigation into General Michael Flynn. When called on it Biden said he thought he was asked if he had any involvement in Flynn’s prosecution (Of course, Flynn’s prosecution took place after he was out of office). He then says he did know about the investigation. Either he is suffering from a mental condition or he simply cannot tell the truth. But then this is the best the democrats have to offer. Watch below:
Kayleigh McEnany Stands Up To The Press Again
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly May 29, 2020
My favorite Press Secutary Kayleigh McEney is back doing what she does best. Here we have her going after Twitter and then putting Jim Acosta in his place. I'll let her words do the talking.
My favorite Press Secutary Kayleigh McEney is back doing what she does best. Here we have her going after Twitter and then putting Jim Acosta in his place. I'll let her words do the talking.
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Lays Waste To Another Reporter
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly May 14, 2020
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, did it again. When asked by CBS News correspondent Steven Portnoy to 'lay out the elements' of President Trump's 'Obamagate' attacks, she responded “I’m really glad you asked." Then, in less than three minutes she explained the basic facts of the scandal involving the unmasking of General Michael Flynn and the leaking of his identity to the press. When Portnoy challenged her on the criminality of the actions of Obama officials, McEnany drops the hammer on him stating:
"If you want to start talking about wrongdoing in the [Obama] administration. I'm happy to go through Andy McCabe leaking to the Wall Street Journal and then lying about it, happy to talk about James Clapper lying before congress, saying that the NSA does not monitor phone calls–that was an inaccuracy to say the least if not a lie; John Brennan telling congress that the bogus Steele Dossier played no role in the Russia probe when in fact we know it did and was the basis for obtaining FISA warrants. So, there's a lot of mistruths there that were said under oath.
"Perhaps you should look into it and get me some answers, that's the job of reporters, to answer the questions that I've laid out and I hope you take the time to do it."
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Smacks Press Over Covid-19 Question
David A. Cook CoffeeShop Weekly May 7, 2020
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, was confronted by Reuters reporter Jeff Mason, who asked McEnany,
In a previous life, before you were press secretary, you worked for the campaign and you made a comment, I believe on Fox, in which you said President Trump will not allow the coronavirus to come to this country. Given what has happened since then, obviously, would you like to take that back?
McEnany respose was priceless. Watch below: